What’s in your water?

Vol 4. Wed., May 1, 2019
Bringing you the latest happenings in the hot tub world, tips & tricks, and the hottest news, up to 104 degrees!

One of the most important questions to ask

This month we discuss different water care options. Whether you’re shopping for a new hot tub or considering switching your water care system, after reading todays article, you should be able to make the best decision for your future water care experience. Enjoy!

The water in your hot tub is truly one of the most important aspects of your future or current hot tubbing experience. After all, the warm water is at least 50% of the reason you began the search in finding the perfect hot tub. Being in business selling HotSpring Spas for over 30 years, we have heard pretty much every question in the book. One of the most asked & most misunderstood questions while shopping for a hot tub is water care.

It usually goes a little something like this: “What water care systems do you offer?” “What do I have to do weekly or monthly to maintain this hot tub?” “What are the differences in water care with you and other brands?”.

All GREAT questions & we absolutely love helping our customers fully grasp their water care system. So, we decided to take some time to go over the different water care experiences.

Bromine & Chlorine

Traditional Water Care Options

Adding just chlorine or bromine without the help of any other sanitation system is the traditional type of water care for hot tubbing. This type of water care usually involves weekly shocking with either bromine or chlorine granulars. Shocking your hot tub means adding a higher amount of chemicals to your water to kill bacteria, remove organic contaminants and to activate sanitation in your hot tub water. Because you do not have another source of sanitation other than chlorine or bromine, keeping a higher PPM (parts per million) is important to keep your hot tub water sparkling clean. Both bromine and chlorine will sufficiently sanitize your hot tub. However, bromine is a stronger chemical than chlorine & tends to leave a longer lasting harsh smell on your skin.

TIP: Make sure to use Di-Chlor NOT Tri-Chlor in your hot tub. Also, shocking your hot tub on a day you aren’t using the hot tub, or after using it for the day, will give your water time to let some of the chlorine smell dissipate before the next use.

UV Light bulb UV Ray

Ultraviolet light is used to “scramble” the molecular bonds of organisms, so bacteria is unable to reproduce.

Your circulation pump will pull water across the UV bulb to expose the warm water with the UV rays to sanitize the water. Along with the UV ray system, you still must add either bromine or chlorine as the UV ray does not produce either of these oxidizers naturally. If you do not add in bromine or chlorine, your hot tub water will not have proper sanitation and will cloud up very quickly. However, with the UV ray system, you are able to keep a lower PPM (parts per million) than the traditional chlorine/bromine method discussed previously. The UV rays do not kill bacteria, they only inhibit them from reproducing. In order for your UV ray system to properly sanitize is to have absolutely zero interference between the UV ray and the micro-organism. UV Ray bulbs are usually replaced every 12 months to maintain sanitation. You will replace your water every 3-4 months.


A powerful natural oxidizer, sometimes even used in homes to purify air, that completely kills bacteria.

We are all familiar with the ozone layer that protects our atmosphere. An ozonator actually emits ozone gas (O3), a powerful oxidizer used to sanitize air in homes & even hot tubs. Ozone systems have been sanitizing hot tubs for several years in the industry, even before UV Ray systems were invented. The difference with an ozone system is the O3 is injected into the water as it passes through the circulation pump & actually oxidizes and completely kills any type of bacteria and pathogen. This powerful oxidizer allows you to drastically reduce your chlorine or bromine level. With an Ozone system, you’ll replace your water every 3-4 months. Ozonators usually last anywhere from 7 – 10 years!

Fun Fact: Ozone is even able to oxidize chloramines in your water to help reduce the harsh chlorine smell.

FreshWater Salt logoSalt Water

“Eliminates the worry of keeping your spa water clean, clear and sanitized for a full year”

One of the newest innovations in the hot tub industry is the Salt Water Sanitizing System. The easiest system to maintain on the market today. All you’re required to do is add salt when you fill your hot tub & your system will generate natural chlorine saving you time and money. You’ll replace your salt cartridge every 4 months with the HotSpring Salt System & dispose of the old cartridge. You are still required to test your water every 7-10 days to ensure you have the right level set to produce the proper amount of chlorine based on your usage. With a Salt Water Sanitizing system, you’ll be able to keep the same spa water for a year or more, saving you money and making our earth a little happier! The benefits don’t stop there, you’ll also notice your skin is softer, your eyes don’t burn from chemical odors, and you’re mind can relax more knowing your hot tub water is always clean & ready to use, anytime!

VIP ServiceFor our current hot tubbers
Don’t forget about our weekly VIP service where our team comes out every week to take care of your hot tub for you. All you have to do is RELAX!

We hope this brief article on water care helps you make the best decision for your hot tub water care experience.

Have more questions?

SHARE YOUR STORY!Grandmother and granddaughter in a HotSpring hot tub

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